William Kazan collection

Started by Pellinore, June 06, 2018, 01:39:20 AM

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Does anybody know William Kazan, or his book? Just bought it with a voluminous stack of other interesting numismatic books. It's a vast collection of gold islamic coins, sumptuously printed, issued by the Bank of Beirut in 1983.

--  Paul


William Kazan was the Qatari CEO of the Banque Parisienne Internationale, a somewhat controversial bank for rich men with connections in Arabic countries. The job made him a millionaire with first class political connections. Those connections turned him into confident and informal ambassador to France of emir Khalifa personally and at one point minister plenipotentiary (head of the government, like a prime minister) and purveyor of luxury relaxation for rich men, ranging from Mediterranean cruises to female crew members. On his death, he left Monegasque villas, a superb yacht and an impressive collection of Fabergé eggs. I hadn't heard of his gold coin collection, but am not surprised.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


Thanks for your extensive insights!
-- Paul


Hello, Is there a PDF file of this book?
Arslan Durdu