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Tehran Civic Copper

Started by Medalstrike, September 13, 2009, 09:26:16 AM

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with this Civic Copper i have some problems to identify the Obverse,
i think the figure represents a dragon,
but nowhere do I find an indication, the dragons were depicted.

Tehran - Copper - 25 mm and 4 mm thick - 18,2 g

Thanks and greets,
The third side of a medal rests in the eye of the beholder


What a lovely coin Dietmar! 
Were dragons ever used in Civic coppers? I've not seen any.
I suppose it could be sturgeon. They do look rather fierce. Or even an eel.


Hi richie,

i`m also excited about the coin,
thank you for pointing with eel or sturgeon, i would not have guessed.
Unfortunately I can only find no civic copper coins which portrays of an eel or sturgeon.

The third side of a medal rests in the eye of the beholder


Civic coppers are a wonderful series.  What animals were used? Did they use dragons, eels and sturgeons? I think that we have much to learn about these coins.
Yours is in excellent condition!


Dragons are typically found in East Asia and Wales (but the Welsh dragon is a different species), with some larger lizards playing with St. George on the coins of Russia and England. If this piece is from Tehran, the dragon doesn't fit. As a frequent and enthusiastic consumer of eel, I don't think it's an eel either. Fins don't fit, head too large. However, sturgeon rings a bell: Persian caviar. I wish I could help with the text...

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


Thanks Peter, so far I came only in the enjoyment of Russian caviar,
Persian caviar would be probably something for my palate. :P
I am more and more happy at the idea, that it is a sturgeon on the coin.

The third side of a medal rests in the eye of the beholder