Picture Container for the Design Boards

Started by <k>, July 14, 2017, 04:16:17 PM

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Ormonde Money threepence, S6549.jpg
Ormonde Money threepence, S6549..jpg
Ormonde Money twopence, S6550.jpg
Ormonde Money twopence, S6550..jpg
'St Patrick' small silver halfpenny, S6569..jpg
'St Patrick' small silver halfpenny, nimbus, S6572A.jpg
'St Patrick' small gold halfpenny, S6569.jpg



.Syria 1996.jpg
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.




Valens, Antioch mint 373-74, solidus, bust of Valentinian I, Victory seated with shield, Christogram.jpg

Valens, Antioch mint 373-74, solidus, bust of Valentinian I, Roma and Constantinopolis, Christogram.jpg

Valens, Antioch mint 366-67, siliqua, bust of Valentinian I, emperor with Victory, Christogram.jpg

Valens, Antioch mint 364-67, nummus, bust of Valentinian I, emperor dragging captive, Christogram.jpg

Theodosius II, Constantinople mint 437, 1½ solidi , bust of Theodosius II, emperor nimbate on horse.jpg

Theodosius II, Constantinople mint 423, aureus, bust of Theodosius II, Victory, staurogram.jpg

Theodosius II, Constantinople mint 420-22, solidus, profile bust of Theodosius II, cruciform sceptre, long cross.jpg

Theodosius II, Constantinople mint 420-22, solidus, bust of Theodosius II, cruciform sceptre, long cross.jpg



Theodosius II, Constantinople mint 420-44, heavy miliarense, bust of Theodosius II, emperor nimbate.jpg

Theodosius II, Constantinople mint 408-20, miliarense, bust of Honorius, emperor nimbate.jpg

Theodosius II, Constantinople (or Cherson) mint c437, maiorina, bust of Theodosius II, emperors nimbate, long cross.jpg

Theodosius II, Constantinople mint c443, solidus, bust of Theodosius II, Constantinopolis, globus cruciger.jpg

211+ BC bronze dupondius, Minerva & galley prow.jpg

211+ BC bronze As, Janus & galley prow.jpg


Morocco 2023 set.jpg
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.


Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.





215-12 BC bronze semis, Saturn & galley prow.jpg

215-12 BC bronze triens, Minerva & galley prow.jpg

215-12 BC bronze quadrans, Hercules & galley prow.jpg

215-12 BC bronze sextans, Mercury & galley prow.jpg

215-12 BC bronze uncia, Roma & galley prow.jpg

215-12 BC bronze semuncia, Mercury & galley prow.jpg

