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West Africa

Started by andyg, November 19, 2009, 11:04:41 PM

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Sierra Leone, some older coins.

The first coins of independent Sierra Leone were issued in 1964, featuring a portrait of then prime minister Sir Milton Augustus Strieby Margai
The second series was issued 1972 to 1984 with a portrait of President Siaka Probyn Stevens

1) ½ Cent 1980
2) 1 Cent 1964
3) 5 Cents 1984
4) 10 Cents 1964
5) 20 Cents 1984
6) 1 Leone 1987, now with a portrait of president Joseph Saidu Momoh


Sierra Leone, a modern type set

1) 10 Leones 1996, with a portrait of Madam Yoko
2) 50 Leones 1996, with a portrait of Henry Josiah Lightfoot Boston
3) 100 Leones 1996, with a portrait of Naimbana, a tribal chief of the 1790's
4) 500 Leones 2004, with a portrait of Kai Londo


Togo, some older coins.

Few coins have been issued for Togo, prior to the first world war Togo was a German protectorate, so the standard German coins were in use.  Afterwards Togo was divided between Britain and France, the British half being administered by Gold Coast (now Ghana).  New coins were introduced by the French in 1924 for the French half, consisting of 50 Centimes, 1 and 2 Francs, to circulate alongside the standard French issues.  A second series was introduced in 1948 consisting of 1 and 2 Francs, followed by a lone issue 5 Franc in 1956, after which only standard CFA Franc (West) issues have been made.

1) 50 Centimes 1924
2) 1 Franc 1924
3) 2 Francs 1948
5) 5 Francs 1956


West Africa (British)

These coins (first issued in 1907) were for use in Gambia (until 1966), Sierra Leonne (until 1964), Ghana (until 1958) and Nigeria (until 1958). Coins of British West Africa were also adopted in Liberia between 1907 and 1943.

Until 1911 they were issued in the name of Nigeria - British West Africa, from 1912 simply British West Africa.

1) 1/10 Penny 1908 (the 1907-1908 tenth penny were the first coins worldwide to be struck for circulation using Aluminium)
2) 1 Penny 1958 - the last issue of British West Africa
3) 1 Shilling 1913
4) 1 Shilling 1952
5) 2 Shillings 1919

There is talk of a modern West African currency which would be used in Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.


West Africa (French) - some older coins.

1) 1 Franc 1944, The first coins were issued in 1944, due to a shortage of homeland type coins as a result of the war.  These were essentially the same as the homeland type coins with Afrique Occidentale Francaise added.
2) 2 Francs 1948, now using the colonial portrait of Marianne.
3) 25 Francs 1956
4) 25 Francs 1957, limited self-rule was given to the French colonies during 1957, so Marianne was replaced by the antelope.
5) 250 Francs 1996, a type now withdrawn.


French West Africa, a modern type set.

The CFA Franc (West) is used in the following countries,
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo

1) 1 Franc 1978, these were last issued in 1995
2) 5 Francs 1984, Antelope design
3) 10 Francs 1997, FAO issue, featuring a well
4) 25 Francs 1982, FAO issue, ?? lady lighting fireworks?
5) 50 Francs 1989
6) 100 Francs 2002
7) 200 Francs 2003, Maize, Corn, Sweetcorn?
8 ) 500 Francs 2003, Peanut ??

The 50 Francs to 500 Francs feature the bank logo.