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UK decimal coins: list of major events by year

Started by <k>, June 06, 2017, 12:54:20 PM

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A new smaller 10 pence coin was introduced on 30 September 1992.

The 1 penny and 2 pence coins were now minted in copper-plated steel.

The new alloy was less costly.

Previously the coins had been made of bronze.

A somewhat larger Queen's portrait appeared on the 20 pence coin (1992 to 1997).

Her crown was closer to the coin's inner rim than before.

This smaller head was minted from 1985 into 1992.

Both versions exist for 1992 only.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.



The old size 10 pence coins were demonetised on 30 June 1993.

The florin (2 shillings coin) was demonetised on the same date.

A florin was the equivalent of 10 decimal pence in value.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.



UK £2 1997-.jpg

A new 2 pound coin denomination was due to circulate from 1 November 1997.

However, its issue was postponed because of technical difficulties.

The new bimetallic 2 pound coins were issued in mint sets, however.

A smaller 50 pence coin was introduced on 1 September.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.



UK 2 pounds 1998'-.jpg

Ian Rank Broadley created a new portrait of the Queen.

It was now used on the UK circulation coinage.

A bimetallic 2 pound coin with the new portrait was issued on 15 June 1998.

The old large 50 pence coin was demonetised in February.

Many 2 pence coins dated 1998 were issued in the usual copper-plated steel.

However, many were once more minted in bronze.

The Royal Mint had also been producing blanks for the forthcoming euro coinage.

Consequently it lacked sufficient copper-plated steel to cover both contracts.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.



UK £2 1999.jpg

The first bimetallic 2 pound commemorative coin was issued.

Its theme was the Rugby World Cup of 1999.

The coin had the same size, weight and composition as the standard 2 pound coin.

Like the standard coin, it was also intended to circulate.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.



UK jigsaw series--.jpg

A new UK circulation design series was introduced in April.

It was designed by Matthew Dent.

The series was informally known as "the jigsaw series".

Only the standard 2 pound coin retained its old design.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.



The UK's 5 and 10 pence coins were now minted in nickel-plated steel

This was a cost-saving measure by the Royal Mint.
Previously the coins had been minted in copper-nickel.

Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.



The Royal Mint started its "cupro-nickel replacement programme".

It recovered cupro-nickel 5 and 10 pence coins from circulation.

This was another cost-saving measure.

It was driven by increasing metal prices worldwide.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.



Jody Clark's new effigy of the Queen was revealed.

It replaced Ian Rank Broadley's previous effigy on the UK's circulation coinage.

The standard circulation 2 pound coin was updated.

The reverse featured a new design of Britannia, by Anthony Dufort.

It replaced the previous technology-themed design.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.



UK 1 pound 2017'.jpg

The new bimetallic 12-sided one pound coin became legal tender on 28 March 2017.

It replaced the nickel-brass round pound, which had become widely counterfeited.

The round pound was demonetised at midnight on 15 October 2017.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.



UK 50p 2022.jpg

Queen Elizabeth II died on September 8, 2022.

A circulating commemorative 50 pence was issued on December 8, 2022.

The obverse featured the first UK numismatic portrait of King Charles III.

It was an uncrowned portrait, created by sculptor Martin Jennings.

The reverse featured the design that appeared on the Queen's 1953 Coronation Crown.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.



January 3

The first non-circulating commemorative coins featuring Charles III went on sale.

All these coins carried his uncrowned portrait.

April 6

UK CIII Maundy money 2023.jpg

King Charles III distributed his first Maundy money at York Minster.

May 6

UK Charles III Coronation 50p 2023.jpg

The Coronation commemorative coins were issued.

These were all non-circulating collector coins.

They featured the King's first crowned portrait on UK coins.

Martin Jennings created the crowned portrait.

August 10

The circulating 50 pence Coronation commemorative was issued.

It featured the uncrowned portrait.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.



October 12

UK 2023 set.jpg

The Royal Mint announced the designs for the regular coinage of King Charles III.

Their surprising wildlife theme reflects the King's concern for nature.

See:  UK 2023 Charles III regular circulation series unveiled.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.


Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.