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Iran, civic copper of Ra'nash (mintless copper today read as " falus-e 'Abbas "

Started by saro, August 23, 2016, 04:07:09 PM

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Civic copper of Ra'nash  - 9,06g / 1034 AH
This coin is unfortunately not in high grade but is still identifiable, the date written at 90° is characteristic of this rare mint and is here  legible  (last digit 4 looks like "7"?); on reverse : lion & thick sunrays
One is listed on Zeno (no sun visible):
"All I know is that I know nothing" (Socrates)


I fully believe you reading. But i think that this coin is not so well readable for the general public. It more signifies your expertise !


Brilliant reconstruction of the die. Everything is recognisable, except the central part (unless there's something - a small number? - at 0:30 hrs, halfway between the edge and the centre.) There is no sign of that weakness on the other side. It might have been used as a pin, but I think it is more likely that it was overstamped on a coin that was counterstamped itself.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


I agree... without litterature reference, it's quite impossible to identify a coin in such condition. I obtained two coins of this mint among a small lot of coppers, from a person who bought them in Yazd, all were unidentified and I took them by courtesy because I thought they were nothing else than "pieces of metal" (  ;) ).
The unusual position of the legible date allowed me to find it in "Coins of the Shah of Iran" and the few parts of the legends present then appeared to perfectly fit with the legend.
There is today a controversy about what was previously read as the mintname "Ra'nash", which could be better the ruler's name : "Abbas" (Shah Abbas I).

"All I know is that I know nothing" (Socrates)