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Iran, Civic copper coin of Ganja Mint/Lion & Tree

Started by anusin, August 09, 2016, 01:28:44 PM

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Iran, Civic copper coin of Ganja Mint/Lion & Tree, weight 9.70 gm, diameter 21.48 mm


Some fantastic coins are being posted by you anusin  I wish I could find such coins but they rarely appear as good as this one


thank you capnbirdseye for your compliments,but all the credits goes to Saro,he helped me a lot to know about this coins......


Saro is doing a fantastic job motivating people to show their coins here, freely sharing his knowledge. The index gives access to all those very nice coins you have collected, so that everyone can profit from them. It would have been difficult to accomplish without saro, but saro could not have done it without you either. Thank you all.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.



Dear Anusin, you are too kind and too modest !... your iranian copper coins are of high interest, and this one of Ganja mint with a lion in front a palm tree is really fantastic !...
"All I know is that I know nothing" (Socrates)


Dear saro.......I like the Figleaf quotation "An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history."...I have the coins,but with no knowledge about this coins.............But you have helped me to know more & more about this all the credits is yours.......thank you friend........