EIC Bengal Presiency, AR Nazrana Rupee, ino Shah Alam II, AH 1221 RY-49

Started by cmerc, April 07, 2016, 12:14:23 AM

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Continuing from this previous series, but I felt this coin deserved its own new thread.

Waited a while to get my hands on one of these, and finally here it is! These are nazrana (special presentation) pieces were struck on slightly-wider flans. The entire calligraphy is present on the coin, suggesting that they were struck with greater care. They can be likened to "proof" issues of the Mughal era.

EIC Bengal Presidency, ino Shah Alam II
AR Rupee, Nazrana (presentation) issue
AH 1221 RY-49 [1806/07]
Shahjahanabad mint

11.21 grams, 27.0 mm
Stevens # 8.22, KM # C719 (Mughal)
Defending this hobby against a disapproving family since 1998.


Beautiful, I have the same type with parasol & cinquefoil on 25mm flan but dated 1218/46  with almost complete die but non of the circle of dots visible


Apart from the design and excecution very nice variegated colors !


Quote from: capnbirdseye on April 07, 2016, 10:44:24 AM
Beautiful, I have the same type with parasol & cinquefoil on 25mm flan but dated 1218/46  with almost complete die but non of the circle of dots visible

Thanks Vic! So is your coin a nazrana issue as well, but struck on a slightly-smaller flan? I measured the flan of this coin is 27.0 mm, so I am guessing yours is nazrana as well. Please do post your images.

Quote from: THCoins on April 07, 2016, 10:47:31 AM
Apart from the design and excecution very nice variegated colors !

Hi Anthony! I must say, the credit goes to the photographer and not to the coin. The coin itself is very dark. The photo was taken probably under very bright conditions. I imagine there is some lustre under the black patina, but not going to manipulate with the coin surfaces.
Defending this hobby against a disapproving family since 1998.


Mine is not Nazarana,  it's  26mm  & weighs  11.12g
I had doubts about it's authenticity because the Shajahanabad part at the top looks odd but it's definitely die struck with cracks in the edges & it came from the same really old collection as my exceedingly rare  Akbar Roba'i


Very nice, looks authentic! Thanks for posting. I also have the same type and date, posted on this separate thread. I acquired this coin courtesy our good doctor, Dr. Abhishek.

P.S. The Akbar roba'i thread was very interesting reading and an amazing find. Congratulations!
Defending this hobby against a disapproving family since 1998.


Mines only 1mm smaller than your Nazarana & shows a lot more of the legend than your second one, had mine shown the circle of dots then it would be as big as  a Jaipur Nazarana  :o


I think that the dies were different for nazrana vs. regular strikes. Makes me wonder whether the regular strikes (i.e., our 1218-46 specimens) have a dotted border at all?! The narzana calligraphy for mughal coins is generally finer than that for regular circulation strikes.
Defending this hobby against a disapproving family since 1998.


Quote from: cmerc on April 07, 2016, 05:03:44 PM
I think that the dies were different for nazrana vs. regular strikes. Makes me wonder whether the regular strikes (i.e., our 1218-46 specimens) have a dotted border at all?! The narzana calligraphy for mughal coins is generally finer than that for regular circulation strikes.

Mine shows a few at 3.oclock so the die must have been very big


Defending this hobby against a disapproving family since 1998.