ID please

Started by mrbadexample, March 07, 2016, 04:20:45 PM

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Me again. :)

Struggling with this one. ø20mm, 3.4g, cupro-nickel I think.

Only got about half a dozen to go now.  :P

All input welcomed. Can't work out where the date is on this one.


Gotcha. Thailand 1 baht, depicting Phra Kaew Temple in Bangkok. So can someone help me with the other details like date please?


So this must also be Thailand. What denomination is this please, and again, does it have a date? ø29mm, 12.0g.



There's a lot more than you ever wanted to know about Thai numbers here. You know the date has to start with 24 (๒๔), so you easily find it right above the denomination. The last two numbers are (๓๒). Therefore the Buddhist (BE) date is 2432. Convert that here (note that this site also converts dates from other systems). The denomination should be easy by now, so you can look your coins up in KM (which also lists Thai numbers.)


An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


I don't think I quite follow Peter. On the first coin the Buddhist date is 2432, that I see. But the site you linked to says to convert you subtract 543 from the Buddhist date, which would give 1889. The coin's not that old. What am I missing please?


And what's the date on the second? 2422? Am I looking at the characters on the bottom of the first picture? I'm finding this much more taxing than the Arabic.


I have 6 of the 1 baht, with two different dates. This is the other:



I think I've got it - the two dates on the one baht are 2532 and 2531 - 1989 and 1988 respectively.

So the larger coin is 5 baht.


If this is the date on the second coin, I can't seem to resolve it. I've got 2_22. What's the second character?

Is it a 5 (๕) but in a different style to the first coin? That would make it 1979, which seems the most likely.


It is a 5. The 4 is similar but without the extra curl on the top. The current king of Thailand, currently the world's longest-serving ruler, acceded to the throne in AD 1946, BE 2489. So virtually all coins bearing his portrait are minted in the BE's 26th century, i.e. 25xx.


Thanks. It didn't help that they have a number of different styles of the numeral. I found those quite challenging, but think I've got my eye in now. :)