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Identification of coin designer "LR"

Started by eurocoin, January 02, 2016, 08:22:08 PM

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Today I came across a 10 francs coin of Congo and immediately recognized the initials LR on the coin. I knew that I had seen these before and after a short search I found a coin of Liberia with the same initials. In March of last year I have already done an attempt to find out who LR is. The coin designers list by Charles Hosch has 4 people in it with these initials:

The Mexican designer Lorenzo Rafael who designed some Mexican circulating coins. He informed me that he was not the designer, which I already expected. I am also sure it was not the designing studio Rothshild & Lippmann.

Furthermore Luboš Ružicka, Lothar Rasch and Louise Razafiarisoa are also on the list. I can't find any information about these people and don't think it is very likely that one of them designed these coins. It is also possible that it is Laurel Rogers but her designers initials don't match with the ones on these coins and moreover she has so far only designed fantasies.

So I still don't know who LR is. The coins have only been designed in 2004 and 2006 so it shouldn't be too difficult to find out but unfortunately I have no further clues. Any ideas? Of course I would also like to know where these coins were minted and if there exist any other coins with this mark.

Liberia, 10 Dollars, 2004. Series of 1 and 10 dollars coins of Liberia to commemorate the World Cup, depicting several stadiums.
Also a series of 10 dollars coins dated 2006 to commemorate the participants of the World Cup.

Congo, 10 Francs, 2005. Pope Stephan IX. Similar coins by this designer issued by the Northern Mariana Islands.


After 5 years, I now believe that the pieces may have been designed by Slowakian artist Roman Lugár, who these days works for the Kremnica Mint. Unfortunately I have not been able to verify this yet with Mr Lugár.


 :applause: for perseverance and more :applause: for logging your progress. There's no way to predict what future researchers will find important, but it's a pretty safe bet that they'll be turning to the internet for clues. This way, your work will have a purpose.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


The Kremnica Mint did a lot of effort to help me to come into contact with Roman Lugár. Mr Lugár informed me that he did not design these coins, although he acknowledged that his designer mark is nearly identical to the one used on the coins. The search continues..


Now you should start a designer topic about the coins that Mr Lugár has designed.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.