S & T Tragic hero of Cape Verde

Started by Figleaf, April 13, 2009, 02:52:11 PM

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Amilcar Cabral would not be a known quantity in many households. He led the fight for the independence of Cabo Verde. Wikipedia describes him as Marxist-Nationalist, but I would discount the Marxist part. It is true that the Soviet Union and its proxy, East Germany, were trying to get Africa in their camp. However, it is also true that many of the violent opposition leaders were Marxist only in the sense that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".

Where Amilcar Cabral gets tragic is that he got killed because he wanted to do the right thing. He was promised a signing of a document on Cabo Verdian independence. He decided to prefer talking and trusting to violence and got killed for his trouble by a member of his own party. A futile gesture, as Cabo Verde gained independence only months later. He deserves at least a TV mini-series, but I doubt if he'll ever get that.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.



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Thanks Mr Paul Baker


Many thanks!

I think I improved my English a little bit since being on this forum, but there is still much do do ...   :-[