Turkey: Mehmet V, AR 5 Kurush, KM #809

Started by mitresh, February 12, 2015, 06:58:29 AM

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Turkey, Mehmet V, 1909-18, AR 5 Kurush, Salanik, AH 1327 RY 3, KM #809, city visit issue

In the quest for Excellence, there's no finish line.


Excellent, Mitresh. You'd expect a souvenir piece to be well preserved, but this piece probably went through a whole series of "interesting times" and it still exudes the over-the-top respect for the ruler.

Was there a mint in Selanik (Thessalonica), or were these struck elsewhere and distributed (given/sold) locally?

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


This is one that I don't have: I managed to get the 'Brusa' year 1 two and five piastre, the 'Edirne' year 2 five piastre and the 'Qosova' year 3 five piastres in an auction last year (slightly mishandled but therefore affordable for me).

As I understand it these were all actually struck in Istanbul, but all the places named on them had had mints in the past. The mintage (where known) is about 3,000 for the two piastres and 1,500 for the five. I'm certain I will never be able to afford the larger silver or the gold denominations ;D



I collected very inexpensive Ottoman when I was a teenager and in my 20's, but stay up on Arabic via Sinkiang.   Looked at this and...what?!   Can someone put up any of the other city visit pieces?   


Here are the ones I mentioned in my earlier post: 'Brusa' year 1 two and five piastre, the 'Edirne' year 2 five piastre and the 'Qosova' year 3 five piastres.



Thank you very much.   The lettering of the city names is giving me trouble.    Whether Erdine, Adrana, it doesn't seem to fit.


Attached is a scan from Jem Sultan's 'Ever Victorious' showing his transcription of the mintname, which seems to match the coin very well. I am anything but an expert  in arabic, but I read it as adrn[waw] which seems to fit 'adirne' for 'edirne'.



I'm no expert either.  Just like to use new things like this to brush up.   The Alif of "Adrana" has its madda written strangely.    Is that what it is?   The sukuun in "Qosova" is normal and clear.   So what is another madda (?) doing in the daal in Adrana?    That should be either a sukuun if no vowel follows daal, or a small dash below it if there is a short I sound.   

"Quwsuwah" is what threw me there.   It seems the diacritic for the short 'u' which belongs over the qaaf has been relocated at the back of the word and below it.   No?   


I'm afraid I know very little about the diacritic marks, but would just comment that though the basic letters are Arabic the diacritics will be being used to point up the Turkish pronunciation, so I assume they will probably be different to what you might expect in classical Arabic.
