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Turkey - new denomination

Started by Figleaf, December 30, 2008, 09:28:18 PM

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On January 1, 2009, the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey will introduce a new series of Turkish Lira banknotes which differ from, and will replace, the 2005 series denominated in New Turkish Liras (Yeni Türk Lirasi).

There will be no change in the value of the Turkish lira. The Yeni Türk Lirasi was introduced four years ago as part of economic reforms. A new Turkish lira was worth one million old Turkish lire.

As an innovation, the new notes do not only show Mustafa Kemal 'Atatürk' (1881–1938), but also six other personalities, one of whom is an islamic feminist author. This would seem to be a compromise between the traditionalists, who don't care for women in public roles and secularists, who don't care for islamists.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.

BC Numismatics


Amazing that Kemal Atatürk can smile. ;) At least on these new notes he is depicted in a more friendly looking way than on previous notes. By the way, note how the value "iki yüz" (two hundred) is spelled on the 200 lirasi notes? One word - ikiyüz. I don't speak the language but some Turkish linguists (such as the former chair of the Turkish Language Society, Bican Ercilasun) have said that it should be two words instead. And last month people started collecting those fairly high value (200 TL is almost €100) notes. Don't know yet whether they will actually be replaced some time, or considered linguistically OK ...
