Norway 10 øre 1937/27--undocumented overdate?

Started by Thulium, December 09, 2013, 04:02:00 AM

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I specialize in overdates, so whenever I find an unattributed variety, I get sorta excited.  :D The coin below is listed on a Norwegian variety site as "10 øre 1937, big 37".
However, there's a lot more going on with this coin--an underlying date! At first I thought it was simply a repunched date--common for this era in Norway coins.

The more I looked (below), the less it appeared to be a 37/37. Another clue is the prior year these 10 øre pieces were struck was in 1927. So, using a tracing of a "2" from a 1927 10 øre piece, I notice the top loop and lower left corner of the 2 closely are a close match (light arrows). The mark underneath the 7 supports this may also be a 37/27!  ;D



i dunno history of when it was minted... it certainly it looks 1937..... not 1927


Naturally, the main date you see is 1937!  ;D  My point is...there is good evidence to suggest this die was first made in 1927, then later updated for use in 1937--that's exactly what an overdate is. 

Some background on overdate dies: After the new date is added, the fields of the die are re-polished, which erases most of the prior date. You can see this in a group of verified overdates below.

Norway 2 øre 1927/6:

Sweden 2 öre 1875/74:

8228940976_1a1bacb52f_z (2).jpg

Sweden 2 öre 1876/5




Excellent graphic reconstruction of the underlying 2. I think I also see a small part of the 2 sticking out at the right, where the diagonal stroke meets the curved stroke. Exactly where you would expect it with your reconstruction.

I like the blow-ups you posted. Thanks for posting those.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


Thanks Peter! It's fun to look for these small clues of an overdate. Here is another that is more subtle, but once you reconstruct what caused these details, it becomes clear it's a 1912/1 (a documented overdate too)

Sweden 1 öre 1912/1:



Probably, Thulium embedded the images and the links broke, so someone removed them. Best to contact Thulium with a PM.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.



@Globetrotter Unfortunately, I doubt Thulium is going to come back to the forum. I was able to retrieve some original photos made by this forum member of these variants. Four images can now be seen in this topic, and three also in this topic. It is not everything that used to be there, but it is better than nothing.


Thanks, but I wanted the images of Sweden 1 öre 1912/1.

I've tried to send a PM to Thulium.

Take care


I have tried to argument for the Norway, 10 oere, 1937 overdate, what do you think?


You may want to consider adding the argument that the last two digits of the date are not well aligned or perhaps even of a different size. This makes it likely that these figures were replacing older ones.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.



Quote from: Thulium on December 09, 2013, 08:47:31 PMThanks Peter! It's fun to look for these small clues of an overdate. Here is another that is more subtle, but once you reconstruct what caused these details, it becomes clear it's a 1912/1 (a documented overdate too)

Sweden 1 öre 1912/1:

Do you still have those images Sweden 1 öre 1912/1?
Thanks in advance