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Index of Ancient & Medieval Coins of Christendom on This Board

Started by Quant.Geek, November 25, 2013, 09:50:42 PM

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The Frankish Kingdoms

Carolingian Empire

The Carolingian Empire during Charlemagne reign

Pépin I le bref (754-768)
Carlomán (768-771)
Charles I Charlemagne (768-814)
Louis I le pieux (814-840)

Frankish kingdoms after the Treaty of Verdún (843)

Kingdom of the East Franks (Francia Orientalis)

Louis II le germanie (843-876)
Charles III le gros (876-887)
Arnulf de Carinthie (887-899)
Louis IV (900-911)
Conrad I le jeune (911-918)
Henri I l'oiseleur (919-936)
Otton I (936-976)

With Otto I being crowned emperor in 962, East Francia becomes the Holy Roman Empire.

Kingdom of the Middle Franks (Francia Media)

Lothaire I (843-855)
At Lothaire's death, Middle France is split in three kingdoms with the Treaty of Prüm.

Kingdom of the West Franks (Francia Occidentalis)

Charles II le chauve (843-877)
Louis II le begue (877-879)
Louis III (879-882)
Carlomán II (879-884)
Charles III le gros (884-887)
Eudes (888-898)
Charles III le simple (898-922)
Robert I (922-923)
Raoul (923-936)
Louis IV d'Outremer (936-954)
Lothaire (954-986)
Louis V le fainéant (986-987)

West France under Hugues Capet

Kings of the Franks from the Capetien dynasty

Hugues Capet (987-996)
Robert II le pieux (996-1031)
Henri I (1031-1060)
Philippe I (1060-1108)
Louis VI le gros (1108-1137)
Louis VII le jeune (1137-1180)

After the arrival of Philippe II Auguste, West France becomes the Kingdom of France in 1205.