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Thailand pattern 1 baht 1868

Started by Manzikert, October 11, 2013, 10:38:37 PM

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I have recently been going through and scanning my Thai coins into my collection database and rediscovered this coin.

I had it tentatively identified as a pattern for the 1868 issued baht in copper, and on doing a bit of googling in the last few days have found three of these in Stacks and Heritage auctions from 2011-12 which all give the reference KM Pn28. Could anyone who has an up-to-date copy of Krause tell me if they give any indication of the mintage of this pattern? My old edition doesn't even list it.



Very nice piece!  Unfortunately, the latest version of Krause does not have any mintage numbers for any of the Thailand patterns.  Attached is the entry for this particular pattern...


A gallery of my coins can been seen at FORVM Ancient Coins


Thanks for that Ram: interesting to see what other metals were used.

The frustrating thing is that I know I've had it for a long time (at least 10-15 years) but I can't find any record of its purchase. I know it will have only cost me a few pounds (less than 10 I am sure because at the time I couldn't afford more) and that it will have come from our local coin fair (almost my sole source of coins at the time), but I wish my record keeping was better :-[



Heck, that is an awesome rate of return!  Krause doesn't do justice with the value of coins.  It would definitely cost a lot more that what is listed  :)
A gallery of my coins can been seen at FORVM Ancient Coins