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Chinese Chop marks

Started by Austrokiwi, November 12, 2008, 10:31:47 AM

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I have seen a chop marked coin for sale on Ebay...........I have identified the base coin ( a 1780 MTT0 as a 1941-1961) London strike................Given the minting date of the coin aren't the chop marks a little out of place. (I know nothing about chop marks)


Could you "save picture as" or copy and paste so that we can see the coin too?


Sorry Aiden its not my coin and it was on ebay ( seems to have gone now). My question arose because it was so clear the base coin was 1941-1961 so I was suspicious about the genuineness of the coin.


Try finding the page through Google. Click on "in cache". Google may still have the pic. Right mouse click on the pic and use the menu to download it.

Why not collect pics of unusual MTT offered or shown on the net? Hard disks have become really big ...

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


I'd like to see pics too, if they can be recovered from the cache - not that I could necessarily tell if the chopmarks were genuine but it would be interesting to compare them with some of the strange character combinations on the chopmarked coin illustrated in Semple's book on MTTs, for instance.

PS: I'm back!!!


Ok after a couple of false starts I think I have the picture ( my poor computer skills)


The characters may be Japanese for 100 (left) and ei (right), as in kanei tsuho.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


Quote from: Figleaf on November 12, 2008, 11:15:44 PM
The characters may be Japanese for 100 (left) and nei (right), as in kanei tsuho.


The LH character appears to be "white" (it's like "100" but without the top stroke) and the RH one is "eternal" (yes, the "ei" of kan-ei, or "yong" in Chinese)


But it's not an ad for detergent. Could it be a name?

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


Quote from: Figleaf on November 12, 2008, 11:36:24 PM
But it's not an ad for detergent. Could it be a name?


The characters may well have been applied separately - and I believe MTTs were also nicknamed "white" dollars in various quarters, which may be relevant, or just coincidence.  As I say, the characters on the coin illustrated in Semple have in many cases no logical connection whatsoever.  It could even be the name of whoever marked it, or just a random character, especially if it was applied in recent years for no purpose other than to deceive.


If the coin really dates to 1941 or later, the chopmarks are almost certainly forgeries -- added to the coin to make it more valuable to collectors. In this case it is pointless to wonder what the characters mean - they don't mean anything.
Researcher on coins, paper money and tokens of China.