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A blind coins collector!

Started by Globetrotter, August 10, 2013, 02:48:25 PM

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Quote from: tbabinszki on August 18, 2013, 01:20:54 AM
Hi All,
Just wanted to introduce myself, I am Tom, the blind coin collector.


Dear Tom,

A grand welcome for you at this forum .  You are  perfect example for strong determination & passion  for hobby.

Keep it up.

Cheers ;D
Every experience, good or bad, is a priceless collector's item.


Quote from: tbabinszki on August 18, 2013, 01:20:54 AM
One of the upcoming topics will be swapping coins with a blind collector. You know what you are sending me, but how can you be sure I'm sending you what I tell you I'm sending?

This may be not too far from any coin collector's situation. Swapping is based on trust. I trust the swapper will send me what he promised to send and that if it's not (completely) sent, amends will be made and vice versa. In your specific case, a piece of trust is added: that in spite of being blind, you know what you are sending and receiving. For me, it wouldn't be a big leap: logically, if you are interested in swapping coins, you must have a method to know what they are.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


Hi Peter,
Yes, theoretically I agree with you. In reality, I have to admit, I'm a bit anxious about trades, because I want to make sure that anybody I trade with doesn't have any disadvantage when trading with me. However, it is also true that it has never been a problem. Ever. Nobody came back to me that they didn't get what they bargained for. There are the instances though, when I honestly don't know what the coins I'm sending are worth. In this case I'd rather send first, let people know what I'd like from their swap list and ask them to send as many as they feel is worth what I sent them.


When I swap with Tom, he sends first. When his coins arrive I grade and evaluate them according to the KM catalogs. Thus the minimum value I have to return to Tom is settled. Normally I have so many doubles, that do not make it into my doubles list, but I send several of those along as well, since they have a "feel" and "dream" value for Tom..... and that we're both happy, he with the surprises and I having reduced my "useless" doubles.

Works very well, actually I swap like that with a few seeing people as well!

Take care