Merthyr Tydfil (Wales) 1811 silver 1/- trader's currency token

Started by BC Numismatics, October 25, 2008, 07:06:17 AM

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BC Numismatics

I have got a very mysterious silver 1/- trader's currency token that I bought off a late friend of mine back in 2000 for a bargain price of NZ$2!

The reverse of this coin has 'MERTHYR' & '5TH. SEP 1811' inscribed in an outer ring with 'WALES & BRISTOL' inside an inner circle.

The obverse has a trophy of arms with the symbol of the Prince of Wales' feathers above.

If anyone has got a copy of the Dalton & Hamer catalogue (especially the 2004 edition),can you please look to see if it is listed? If it is,what are the grades & prices it is listed in?

There are also 1/- tokens from Bristol that also used this reverse as well.



It wouldn't be in Dalton and Hamer, but in Davis: Glamorganshire 7-8. Without a picture, I cannot determine the piece properly.

This is one of a series of British silver and copper trade tokens dated around 1804-1817. The height of the issue was in 1811, with demand dropping off sharply after the introduction of the 1816 coinage. Due to the acute scarcity of regal silver, these tokens circulated as money. Merthyr Tydfil played an important part in the industrial revolution.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.