Russian Banknotes 7 banknotes without public support 1933

Started by muntenman, April 28, 2007, 10:48:40 PM

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As the chervonetz was wanted with the public, the rouble nearly ceased to exist...

In the year 1934 there were 3 new banknotes put into circulation with and without autographs for each denomination: 1, 3 and 5 goldrouble.

No autographs are put at russian banknotes since 1935 until the bankruptcy of 1991.

In 1938 new more attractive banknotes appear again:

1 goldrouble carrying a miner, 3 goldrouble carrying a soldier and 5 goldrouble carrying a pilot.

After World War II the Russian citizen saw 1 of the most large total change of money in the year of 1947. All circulating chervonetz and roubles are ceased to be legal tender.

They are replaced by vertical 1, 3 and 5 rouble banknotes and horizontal 10, 25, 50 and 100 roubles. 16 languages are written down on these banknotes. 10 years later Finland become independant and the Finnish language is taken of these banknotes(1957).

All these banknotes are renewed in 1961 when it was said that 10 old Sovietroubles were worth 1 new rouble, due to inflation.

A new range of banknotes appear: 1, 3, 5, 10,25,50 and 100 roubles which will be the official banknotes until 1991.

1 rouble: scutcheon of state
3 rouble: Kremlin view
5 rouble: Kremlin Spasski tower
10 rouble:Lenin looking to right
25 rouble: Lenin looking to left
50 rouble: Kremlin citadel
100 rouble: Kremlin Tower

After the bankruptcy in 1991 a new state is installed, called Commonwealth of Independant States (CIS).

All banknotes are renewed and given the date 1991. In 1992 the range of banknotes is broadend out with denominations of 200, 500 and 1000 roubles banknotes, all showing parts of the Kremlin.

Unfortunately, many states want no longer part in the Soviet Union and one by one they leave Russia and become independant.

First: The Baltic aerea: Estonia, Lithuania and Lattvia, granted independance at 6 september 1991 bij Boris Jeltsin.

In the Belarustown of Minsk at 8 december of 1991 a tresaty is signed with Russia and the Ukraine to form a commonwealth like the British Empire. Until 31 decmeber 1991 11 other countries  also sign the treaty with the exeption of Georgia.

Due to the new present status, new banknotes are put iinto the circulation bearing 1992 as the date.

50, 100, 200, 500 and 100 roubles will have a guilloche; the Kremlin commissioned a share itself of 10.000 roubles which saw circulation in the streets and which shows a picture of the Parliamentsbuilding near the river Wolga.

Also a new banknote of 5000 roubles with the Sint Basil Cathedral at the Red Square at Moscow as well as a new 10000 roubles banknote with flag above the Kremlin was put into circulation that year.

The whole range was changed again in 1993: all 100, 200,500, 1000, 5000, 10000 en 50000 roubles banknotes were given the date 1993 at surface; in 1994 the last 3 high values appeared in circulation with the date 1994.