Canada $20 for $20 series designs

Started by kena, April 01, 2013, 09:54:45 PM

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What I mean is they can give all those 'interesting' details on the holder that comes with the coin..(I presume the coin comes with some kind of packaging?)...if not, they can certainly use it and make it more attractive. ;D Many countries do that now a days..(Austria for example)..

It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. -J. K. Rowling.


Four the coins that I have came with brochures in English and French.  The two from 2012 gives background information about the coin.

2012   Queen's Jubilee
2012   Farewell to the Penny
2013   Hockey
2013   Timber Wolf



When I asked about this on another forum, the answer was that for some releases, if you ordered 3 coins (the normal limit unless you had special status with the mint based on past purchases), you only got one brochure.



The next design is an iceberg and it should be available in July.
