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Owen Linzmayer is compiling a new world banknote catalogue.

Started by BC Numismatics, September 23, 2008, 12:31:41 PM

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BC Numismatics

You will all be very pleased to know that Owen Linzmayer of is in the process of compiling a new world banknote catalogue,which will,hopefully,be a better quality production than the Pick catalogues.

If you have got any banknotes that are currently unlisted in Pick ,please can you email your scans to Owen at .

He is going to recatalogue those notes that have been listed under the wrong country for years into the right country listings.Such notes,include the Marshal Hole stamp card banknotes from Bulawayo (which have been wrongly listed under 'South Africa'),the Swakopmunder Buchhandlung (Swakopmund Bookshop) notes from South West Africa (which have wrongly been listed under 'German South West Africa'),& the New Guinean notes (which have been wrongly listed under 'German New Guinea').
