United States: 1853 Half Dime with Arrows

Started by Quant.Geek, December 09, 2012, 04:42:41 PM

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Figured I would take a break from all those Indian coins and jump across the globe  :)
I had this coin forever (at least 20 years).  I bought it from a coin shop I discovered a few blocks from the University in downtown NY.  I tried to revisit a few years ago, but has since closed down.  It was toned when I bought it, but now it has an even lovelier tone...


A gallery of my coins can been seen at FORVM Ancient Coins


Cute little half dime. Fun color, dignified surfaces. Looks like considerable clash-marking on the reverse--more fun.

And I note the denomination is rendered in words only, "half dime." I guess some of my people didn't understand that right off the boat, but I also expect they figured it out quickly enough. Probably didn't sustain any lasting damage from the experience, either. But then why would they have, really.

The half dime was a real surprise for me as a kid. It was kind of hard to believe that the nickel hadn't been around from the very first.

:) v.


Quote from: villa66 on December 10, 2012, 06:51:46 AM

The half dime was a real surprise for me as a kid. It was kind of hard to believe that the nickel hadn't been around from the very first.

:) v.

Thanks villa66.  The coin that confused me when I was a kid was the thrime or the 3-cent piece.  Such a unique piece that I eventually picked one up to satisfy my curiosity. 

A gallery of my coins can been seen at FORVM Ancient Coins


a Thrime ?? I would like to see that!. and a mil if you have it too...it's just in the last few days i've heard of any of these !


I can see the image posted by others e.g Paisepagal but not able see the image which is posted by QG.

Can anyone help on it ?



Quote from: paisepagal on December 10, 2012, 01:09:05 PM
a Thrime ?? I would like to see that!. and a mil if you have it too...it's just in the last few days i've heard of any of these !

I have since sold my thrime of my childhood days for a better specimen.  I'll upload the pictures once I get home.  The 3-cent piece was minted due to reflect the cost of US postage stamps being 3 cents.  There were two versions of this coin (with varieties in them).  The silver thrime and the nickel thrime.  I have the nickel one.  I am a huge advocate of abolishing the penny and migrating to a 3 cent piece.  The cost of issuing a cent is too expensive in the US.  It costs a little more than 2 cents to make a penny here.  Totally removing the cent will have a HUGE impact on the economy (no more $x.99 sales, etc), so migrating to 3 cents will solve this problem while still keeping the cost of goods the same...

My 3 cents  ;)


A gallery of my coins can been seen at FORVM Ancient Coins