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Hungary to replace 200 note with coin

Started by Figleaf, June 24, 2008, 12:56:31 PM

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Hungary to replace HUF 200 note with coin in 2009
Monday, 23, June 2008 02:58:00 PM

Hungary's Monetary Council has decided on Monday to introduce a HUF 200 coin to replace the HUF 200 banknote, central bank (NBH) Governor András Simor announced at a press conference.

He said the coin would be more practical than the notes that generally need to be replaced every two years.

The bank plans to put the HUF 200 coins into circulation in the first half of 2009, Simor added. The HUF 200 notes are to remain in use until the end of next year.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


You can vote by internet. The voting page is here. Just pick your favourite design, copy the anti-spam number in the frame below and hit the big green button labelled Svavazok. I voted or number 5. In my opinion it has depth, line play and none of the saccharine in the other designs.

Public to vote on new Ft 200 coin
By: Hungary Around the Clock, 2008-10-14 14:53

The National Bank (MNB) is allowing the public to vote on the look of the Ft 200 coin to be introduced sometime next year. Voting is possible at and by telephone.

The coin will consist of two metals, a silver centre surrounded by a bronze ring.

The public can choose from images of a stork or a woodpecker, two protected flowers and the Chain Bridge or the new Megyeri motorway bridge.

Source: Caboodle
An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


Interestingly Turkey is issuing a very nice bridge design on their 2009 50 kurus coin. In the UK we recently had a series of pound coins showing bridges.

The UK two pound design to commemorate Marconi was decided by vote. There were 3 choices - the one I voted for didn't win. Later, in a phone chat with designer Avril Vaughan (Queen Mother 5 pound commemorative, among others), she told me that she'd designed the one I voted for. The designers of the alternatives were not identified by the Royal Mint.


Guess that Slovenia did not want to be "represented" by animals only on its euro coins. ;) And yes, the stork on that Hungarian design reminds me of the 20 tolarjev and 1 cent coins. As for the design contest here, I prefer one of the bridges - although, or maybe because, animals and plants can be found on the current forint pieces. Now which one?

The new bridge (design #5) is of course the more modern one, in terms of both construction and coin design. In my view the older one (#6) is more characteristic though, so it gets my vote ...

Interesting story behind the name for the new bridge by the way:



New 200-forint coins to begin circulating
By: MTI, 2009-05-13 12:05

Hungary will replace its 200-forint banknotes with coins as of June 15, Tuesday's official gazette Magyar Kozlony reported.

The new coin will have an outer and an inner ring and feature Budapest's Chain Bridge on one side. The coins will be made 75 percent from copper.

The green 200-forint banknotes will be gradually withdrawn from circulation until November 16, the last day when it can be officially used in payment.

The new coin will be made in 71 million copies by the end of the year, of which 15.5 million have already been completed, central bank said earlier.

The central bank said the reason for the change is to make savings in the national economy as well as to help the public get accustomed to the idea of a future euro adoption.

Source: Caboodle

With thanks to Pabitra Saha
An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


Quote from: Figleaf on May 16, 2009, 03:11:16 PM

The new coin will have an outer and an inner ring and feature Budapest's Chain Bridge on one side. The coins will be made 75 percent from copper.
100 Forint is already a bimetallic coin.Does that mean there will be 2 bimetallic issues now?

It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. -J. K. Rowling.


Yes. The 100 forint coin has a "golden" pill and a "silver" ring; with the new 200 forint piece it's the other way round. The design of the new coin is OK; after all it's the one I would have picked too. ;)



Seems they can actually be found in circulation now. :)


Prosit much is 200 Forint worth in US Dollars or Euros ......or chickens? some value I understand  ;D


Quote from: dalehall on June 16, 2009, 02:57:58 PM much is 200 Forint worth in US Dollars or Euros ......or chickens? some value I understand  ;D

200 forint is about 70-80 Euro cents. 

What a downer- I was on holiday in Hungary until the 14th June, so missed the 200Ft by a day.  The chain bridge is a good choice an iconic link across the Danube, and the mechanics of the bridge's design is very interesting close-up

Picked up 2007 or 2008 versions of all the coins to 50c, but couldn't find a 100Ft more recent than 1998- they seemed to take a lot of wear, so my example of it is not very satisfactory- perhaps VF at best.


Got my copy today :)

It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. -J. K. Rowling.


It looks better than the design sketches, or maybe I just like bridges on coins.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


Can anybody certainly say if the old, .500 silver coin of 200 forint 1994 ever seen any circulation?

I was sure it did not, but there are many quite worn examples around. As it was minted until 1999 in limited quantities it would make the latest circulating silver coin in the world, I always thought that title belongs to Mexican Nuevo Peso pieces.

This article from 1994 states it as a circulation coin, but I would like to hear from the first hand.


I received a silver 200 Ft coin dated 1994 in circulation when I was in Hungary in 1997. Only the one, though, and it was in EF condition, so it might have been a one-off.


So it is the latest circulating silver coin type. Didn't have idea and it's my neighborhood :D

I guess you were even lucky, people surely kept these for themselves so eventually they became extremely rare, I am surprised any was circulating in 1997. Here in Croatia you practically can't get any 25 kuna in change for 5-10 years already. You can in the bank though. But no matter it's not even silver, people keep it out of curiosity. Not even mentioning all the collectors and dealers.

Thanks for the info!