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Crowns on coins

Started by <k>, August 12, 2011, 07:24:36 PM

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I have 4 crowns on my Swedish 4 daler plate.


And I can count 6 crowns on my MTT. Do any coins have more?


Emperors are notoriously immodest. But did you count the eagle's halos?

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


No Peter, the 4 obvious ones and the two little ones marked in green.  :)


Quote from: <k> on August 12, 2011, 07:58:34 PM
The Crown of Saint Stephen, worn by the kings of Hungary. The cross on it looks bent. I hope those angels were careful with it when they were carrying it.

Hungary, 5 korona, 1906, and 1 korona, 1913.
I thought there was some significance to the bent cross, but apparently not. It was damaged by some means in the 17th century, probably from careless handling, and never straightened. Not a very interesting story, but there you go.

Always Faithful


Isabella Quarter 1893 Columbian Exposition.jpg

1893 Columbian Exposition quarter dollar commemorative.

The only crown to appear on any US coin that I'm aware of.

The Spanish Queen Isabella l of Castile.

The sponsor of Columbus's voyages to the New World.
Always Faithful


Hungary, 100 forint, 2001.

The crowned shield of Hungary.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.


Serbia, 1 dinar, 2006.

Serbia, 1 dinar, 2011.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.