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Józef Gosławski

Started by Destrans, June 28, 2011, 12:20:07 PM

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Hello  8)

I usually put some coin designers in Numismatas.
Unfortunately my english is very bad and I have some difficulties translating texts.
Here's one in Portuguese, sorry  :-X

(This is google translator working  ;D)

Józef Gosławski

Józef Gosławski nasceu em 24 de Abril de 1908 em Polanówka, Polónia, e faleceu a 23 de janeiro de 1963 em Varsóvia.
Escultor e projectista de medalhas, moedas e monumentos
Foi galardoado em numerosos concursos artísticos. Foi agraciado com a Cruz do Mérito de Prata.

Foi autor de numerosos trabalhos no domínio da escultura de monumentos, retratos, medalhas, caricaturas, conservação e desenho.
As suas obras iniciais mostram influências Cubistas e também formas similares a concepções dos artistas do Círculo de Arte Aplicada Polonesa.
Foi influenciado pela estilo clássica Greco-Romano durante a sua estadia em Itália, aquando dos seus estudos, e mais tarde as mudanças sociais causadas pela Grande Guerra viriam a reflectir-se fortemente nas suas obras.

Józef Gosławski was born on April 24, 1908 in Polanówka, Poland, and died on January 23, 1963 in Warsaw. Sculptor and designer of medals, coins and monuments, he won prizes in numerous art contests. He was awarded the Silver Cross of Merit.

He authored numerous works about the sculpture of monuments, portraits, medals, cartoons, conservation and design. His early works show the influences of the Cubists, as well as forms similar to works by artists of the Circle of Polish Applied Art. He was influenced by the Greco-Roman classical style during his stay in Italy and during his studies, and later social changes caused by the Great War were to be reflected strongly in his works.

Exposições individuais
1933 Cracóvia Palácio da Arte
1960 Budapeste Ośrodek Kultury Polskiej
1963 Varsóvia Dom Wojska Polskiego
1968 Wrocław Paços do Concelho
1973 Varsóvia Centralne Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych
1974 Varsóvia Galeria Wojskowa DWP
1974 Warka Muzeum im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego
1974 Bydgoszcz Museu regional
1987 Lublin Museu regional
1995 Kazimierz Dolny Muzeum Nadwiślańskie - Galeria Letnia
1996 Bolesławiec Bolesławiecki Ośrodek Kultury
1997 Chełmno Museu regional
2000 Konin Museu regional
2003 Varsóvia Galeria Domu Artysty Plastyka

Individual expositions
1933 Krakov art palace
1960 Budapest Polish cultural centre
1963 Warsaw House of the Polish army
1968 Wrocław town hall
1973 Warsaw Central Bureau of Artistic Exhibitions
1974 Warsaw Galeria Wojskowa DWP
1974 Warka Muzeum im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego
1974 Bydgoszcz regional museum
1987 Lublin regional museum
1995 Kazimierz Dolny Vistula Museum - Galeria Letnia
1996 Bolesławiec Bolesławiecki cultural centre
1997 Chełmno regional museum
2000 Konin regional museum
2003 Warsaw Galeria house of plastic arts

Exposições Estrangeiro
1932  Áustria Viena Künstlerhaus Wien
1936  Itália Roma 
1936  Itália Roma 
1950  Tchecoslováquia Praga
1950  Itália Roma 
1959  Itália Catânia
1959  Áustria Viena 
1963/1964  União das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas Moscovo-Minsk
1964  Itália Arezzo
1965  Alemanha Oriental Berlim-Erfurt-Leipzig
1966  Tchecoslováquia Kralupe
1966  Bulgária Sófia
1966/1967  Hungria
1967  Iugoslávia 
1967  Finlândia  Suécia  Polónia 
1967  França Paris 
1968  União das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas Moscovo 
1969  Hungria Budapeste 
1971  França Paris 
1971  Países Baixos Haia 
1972  Alemanha Oriental Berlim 
1985  Tchecoslováquia Praga 
2003  Áustria Viena Leopold Museum

Foreign expositions
1932  Austria Vienna Künstlerhaus Wien
1936  Italy Rome 
1936  Italy Rome 
1950  Czechoslovakia Prague
1950  Italy Rome 
1959  Italy Catania
1959  Austria Vienna 
1963/1964  USSR Moscow-Minsk
1964  Italy Arezzo
1965  East Germany Berlin-Erfurt-Leipzig
1966  Czechoslovakia Kralupe
1966  Bulgaria Sofia
1966/1967  Hungary
1967  Yugoslavia 
1967  Finland  Sweden  Poland 
1967  France Paris 
1968  USSR Moscow 
1969  Hungary Budapest
1971  France Paris 
1971  The Netherlands The Hague 
1972  East Germany Berlin
1985  Czechoslovakia Prague 
2003  Austria Vienna Leopold Museum


5 Zlotych (1959-1974)

10 Zlotych (1959,1965) Nicolaus Copernicus


On the right is the original plaster

Homage of the Polish Mint

Replicas of some of his work

Book: "Józef Gosławski - rzeźby, monety i medale." Anna Rudzka
Launch concept: Rudzka Anna
Editor: Alegoria
Cover: hard
214 Pages

Best Regards.


Much appreciated, Destrans. Don't worry about language. My Portuguese is not so good either ;)

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


The Danzig/Gdańsk medal I find very interesting. Never mind the "message" (that is, Gdańsk became Polish 500 years ago) but the design I like. And the city view looks as if the piece had much more depth than it actually has. Just found a larger image at the website:
