Please help for identified this Tin Pitis Coin

Started by ATtheCollections, December 29, 2016, 10:44:09 AM

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Quote from: bgriff99 on February 08, 2017, 09:44:07 AM
This is my piece, same as your coin #2.   I used transcription of Mitchiner, and it is not very good match to the coin as he drew it.   I cannot reproduce, have to draw again.   Some letters clearly use the honorific form.   Others are shorthand, do not have final consonant marker, do not have correct vowel.   So I draw a little different.   

It is supposed to say "Sri Pangeran Siyak".   But really says "Sri Panagaran Saye(?)".    Maybe oval mark was pushed from over Si to Ya, in which case it does read Siya-.   Letter K is a mess, but does look like the way it is written on other Siak pitis.   Old-new Javanese is so mixed up with various ways to write, I am trusting Mitchiner used process of elimination to be sure "Siyak" isn't really "Banten"..... or Jambi, Kedah, etc.   They all had pangerans.

thanks for identify my coin sir, 1 again thanks a lot


ASK again , please help for identify this coin ^_^ THANKS


The piece with 4 groups of what looks like Arabic is being found a lot lately.    Some people are reading "Khan", but the dot is below not above, on the supposed N.    I haven't tried to figure it out.    At Zeno nobody knows what it is.


i think thin write Jlambi , or Jambi this coin found in sumatra in djambi sir


Regarding Millies 154-157, that does not correspond to any you have posted.    There is a question whether he read his coins correctly.    They look like these, which read Sultan Ratou, not Sultan Siak, and are from Jambi.   They are common.


Coin 3 reads "Chap Jambi Ratu" in Javanese.    Again, a choice specimen.