Sardinia, 2 denari

Started by tonyclayton, February 07, 2010, 03:46:19 PM

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A correspondent has asked for help with these four coins
I haven't a clue, and cannot find them in my 1750-1850 catalogue

Any ideas?



No.3 is a 2 Denari from Sardinia (Mainland Coinage) - issued between 1732 and 1800.
The other three I think are earlier 2 Denari - but not listed in Krause.  Italian states are somewhat lacking for pre 1750 issues.


I can just make out ... EM II in the legends, so this may be your man:,_Duke_of_Savoy


Well done to you all.  I have passed on the information
and I am sure the owner would like me to add his thanks to mine.

Back to the exam marking... >:(


Ham 3 (the third coin) is indeed a 2 denari of Sardegna (mainland). Since neither the legend, nor the date can be read, it could be  Cr 1 (Carlo Emmanuele III), Cr 50 (Vittorio Emmanuele III) or Cr 79 (Carlo Emmanuele IV).


An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


Do these look familiar to anyone...

ebay link


ebay link

Won't sell and the reserve price is way OTT....