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December competition 2019

Started by andyg, December 24, 2019, 06:52:47 PM

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Same rules as always -
Simply PM me your answers and I will post the amount you have correct, send as many PM's with answers as you like.  To win if you have 10 correct answers we will hold a draw, if no one has 10 then the 1st prize goes to whoever has most.

Please do not post answers in this thread.

Last entry is 31st December 2019, after which I will post the prize (s) to the winner (s).

Good luck - as I say it's trickier this year :)

For hints see the other threads -
2018 thread : 2017 thread : 2016 thread : 2015 thread : 2014 thread
2013 thread : 2012 thread : 2011 thread : 2010 thread : 2009 thread
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....



(the Elizabethan shilling is a metal detecting find but is still quite nice...)
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....



A happy ten year tradition this year! I'll add a prize.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....


I'm coming a bit late to this as I've been away, but I'll do my best!  ;D


I now have complete answers from quaziright, eurocoin, velind, spabreda, mrbadexample, Stef, Bart, mmiguel and Fosseway.
Plus a partial set of answers from izotz.

Competition closes 23:59 (GMT) 31/12/2019....
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....


Partial answers count also. Have fun, gentlemen.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.



1. Afghanistan 10 pul 1316 KM 939
2. Tonga 10 seniti 2015 KM 227
3. Eswatini 10 cents 2018 KM new
4. Namibia 10 cents 1993-2012 KM 2
5. Transnistria 10 kopeek 2019 KM new
6. Hong Kong 10 cents 1937 KM 21
7. Yemen 10 rials 1416-1430 KM 27
8. Equatorial Guinea 10 ekuele 1975 KM 34
9. Argentina 10 pesos 2018- KM new
10. Romania 10 bani 2005- KM 191

Key phrase - A TENTH YEAR

Well done to all those who entered - prizes will be announced later.

Happy new year! :)
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....


An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


Thanks again for one more year of fun, andyg.

I always enjoy your competition. This time I must admit I was overwhelmed. Too hard for me, and I only got a few right. But I was glad this tradition is going on and I took part of it.


Once again I missed it. Was out of town at the start and was ill for the rest and just didn't have the energy.
Looks like it was fun though!



As usual I asked Malj1 to allocate everyone a number, then Chrisild to allocate the numbers 1-9 in a random fashion... but that's where it went wrong as I ended up with two lists of members with a number (allocated randomly)

The good news,
both lists were very similar for the top three places -
List 1 - 1 mmiguel  2 velind 3 mrbadexample
List 2 - 1 mmiguel  2 eurocoin  3 mrbadexample

so as a solution we will have four prizes this year;
1  mmiguel
2= velind
2= eurocoin
3  mrbadexample

everyone else will receive a special prize as usual - I will be in touch....
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....


Three cheers for another riveting Christmas Puzzle!


Hurrah!  ;D Congratulations mmiguel et al.

Thanks for the competition. Might just be me but I thought it was a little bit easier than last year and no, that doesn't mean I'd like it to be any harder!  :P