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Circulation sets with all plant/flower/tree designs on one side

Started by <k>, February 20, 2019, 07:32:13 PM

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Here I wish to include only circulation sets where all the thematic designs on one side are of plants or trees or flowers or a mixture of the three. Yes, a tree also counts as a plant, of course. However, it may be that 5 designs are of plants whilst the sixth is a coat of arms or just a denominational value - in this case I am counting heraldic designs as NOT being thematic. I simply did not have room to fit all those criteria in the title line.
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See: The Royal Mint Museum.


Argentina, 2018.

1  peso.    Jacaranda.
2  pesos.  Silk floss tree
5  pesos.  Myrtle.
10 pesos.  Calden tree.
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See: The Royal Mint Museum.



Philippines, 2018.

1  sentimo.  Mangkono (Xanthostemon verdugonianus).
5  sentimo.  Kapal-kapal baging (Calotropis gigantea).
25 sentimo.  Katmon (Dillenia philippinensis).

1  piso.  Waling-waling (Vanda sanderiana).
5  piso.  Tayabak (Strongylodon macrobotrys).
10 piso.  Kapa-kapa (Medinilla magnifica).
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See: The Royal Mint Museum.


Rwanda coin set.jpg


1  franc.    Sorghum.
5  francs.  Coffee.
10 francs.  Bananas.
20 francs.  Tea.
50 francs.  Corn.

Rwanda first issued this design series in 2004, though it was dated 2003.
It featured examples of Rwanda's agricultural produce.
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See: The Royal Mint Museum.



China issued a set depicting flowers on the reverse. The 1 jiao and 1 yuan coins were first released in 2000 but with the date "1999". 

The 5 jiao coin completed the set in 2002. The 1 jiao coin was changed from aluminum to stainless steel in 2005.
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See: The Royal Mint Museum.



The Singapore floral set first appeared in 1986.

1c.    Vanda Miss Joaquim plants.
5c.    Fruit salad plant.
10c.  Star jasmine plant.
20c.  Powder-puff plant.
50c.  Yellow allamanda plant.
$1.    Periwinkle.

Designer: Christopher Ironside.
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See: The Royal Mint Museum.



1  shilling.  Coffee plant, basket of coffee beans.
2  shilling.  Coffee plant, basket of coffee beans.
5  shilling.  Cotton plant, bag of cotton.
10 shilling.  Cotton plant, bag of cotton.

The Ugandan one year set of 1987 featured agricultural produce.
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See: The Royal Mint Museum.


In 1977 Guinea-Bissau issued a beautiful 5 coin set devoted to trees and plants. It was produced by the Royal Mint, UK.

The designs were the work of Michael Hibbit.

Guinea-Bissau 1977.

50 centavos.  Coconut palm.
1    peso.        Yam plant.
2½ pesos.      Date palm.
5    pesos.      Peanut plant.
20  pesos.      Rice plant.
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See: The Royal Mint Museum.


In 1977 Rwanda issued a 20 francs and 50 francs coin, to complete the new series that began in 1974. The 1, 5 and 10 francs had been designed by the English engraver and silversmith, Leslie Durbin, and produced by the Royal Mint. The 20 francs and 50 francs were designed by Emile Rousseau and produced by the Paris Mint. Mr Rousseau managed to make his bananas look as sinister as a Triffid, and also somewhat obscene. Note also the idiosyncratic font that he used for the legends, compared to the more traditional fonts on the 1, 5 and 10 francs.

See also: Coinage of Rwanda.


1  franc.  Millet.
5  francs.  Branch of a coffee tree.
10 francs.  Branch of a coffee tree.
20 francs.  Bananas.
50 francs.  Tea plant.

Designers: 1, 5, 10 francs - Leslie Durbin; 20, 50 francs - Emile Rousseau.
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See: The Royal Mint Museum.


Western Samoa (now known simply as Samoa) released a new design series in 1974. It was devoted to a common theme: vegetation, of the edible sort.

See also: Coinage of Samoa.

Western Samoa 1974.

1   sene.  Coconut.
2   sene.  Cocoa pods.
5   sene.  Pineapple.
10 sene.  Taro leaves.
20 sene.  Breadfruit.
50 sene.  Banana tree.
1   tala.    Coconut palm.

Designer: James Berry.

Common obverse: King Malietoa Tanumafili II.  Designer: Humphrey Paget.
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See: The Royal Mint Museum.


Mozambique became independent from Portugal in 1975 and planned a new currency: 1 metical = 100 centimos. A coinage was minted but probably never issued.

See also:

Mystery Mozambican Coins of 1975.

Mozambique since independence.

Mozambique 1975.

1    centimo.    Angolan protea.    Protea angolensis.
2    centimos.  Rain daisy.           Dimorphotheca pluvialis.
5    centimos.  Purple dissotis.      Dissotis princeps.
10  centimos.  Sugar cane.
20  centimos.  Tea plant.
50  centimos.  Cashew nuts.
1    metica.      Sisal agave.
2½ meticas.    Cotton plant.

Common obverse: President Samora Machel.   

All designs by Geoffrey Colley.
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See: The Royal Mint Museum.


Nigeria released its first national coinage in 1959, shortly before independence in 1960.

The coin sizes in this image are not to scale.

Nigeria 1959.

½d. Value.
1d.  Value.
3d.  Cotton plant.        D: Paul Vincze.
6d.  Cocoa beans.       D: Humphrey Paget.
1s.   Palm branches.    D: Paul Vincze.
2s.   Peanut plant.       D: Humphrey Paget.

D = Designer.
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See: The Royal Mint Museum.


Comoros 1964.

Comoros issued a new design series in 1964.

The reverse design of the 10 and 20 francs contains several elements,

They included a coelacanth fish, a jet plane, dhows, palm trees, coconuts, and triton shells.

See also: Comoros.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.


In 1925 Lithuania released a set depicting various plants and leaves. One or two are in the old-fashioned form of a tied wreath, but overall I regard it as a thematic set.

See also: Lithuanian coins of the 1920s.

LIthuania 1925.

1 centas.  Flax.
5 centai.  Flax.
10 centu.  Rye.
20 centu.  Rye.
50 centu.  Rye.
1 litas.   Oak leaves
2 litu.    Rue
5 litai.   Tulips.

Designer: Juozas Zikaras.
Visit the website of The Royal Mint Museum.

See: The Royal Mint Museum.


Italy became a republic in 1946. Its first post-war, post-Fascist, coinage was an attractive set (albeit in aluminium), showing the fruit of the land.

Italy 1946.

1   lira.   Head of Goddess Ceres.          Orange.
2   lire.   Man ploughing field.               Ear of wheat.
5   lire.   Head of Liberty, with torch.    Bunch of grapes.
10 lire.   Pegasus.                               Olive branch.
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See: The Royal Mint Museum.