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December competition 2017

Started by andyg, December 22, 2017, 12:46:57 AM

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Welcome to our annual competition once again :)
I can't believe a whole year has passed since last time....

Ten coins as usual - can you guess what they are?

For hints see the previous years threads
2016 thread
2015 thread
2014 thread
2013 thread
2012 thread
2011 thread
2010 thread
2009 thread

Simply PM me your answers and I will post the amount you have correct, send as many PM's with answers as you like.  To win if you have 10 correct answers we will hold a draw, if no one has 10 then the 1st prize goes to whoever has most.

Last entry is 30th December 2017, after which I will post the prize (s) to the winner (s).
Prizes will be revealed in a short while.

Please do not post answers in this thread.
Comments welcome!
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....


prizes this year....

A England (Charles II) 1679 Two Pence
A Isle of Man 2016 Five Pounds
A 2017 Benjamin Bunny Fifty Pence
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....


I now have the first full set of answers, this year from Afrasi :)
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....


I'll offer a modest extra prize. No time for a specification, so take your chances!

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


A second set of answers from Quaziright...
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....


Will be out of town till the the 26th and then back to work. Might get a chance to work on it...
hope so anyway. 3 and 10 look easy. Might be a good start for me.



more answers from bart, Fosseway, Spabreda and Velind.
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....


Thanks for taking the time of preparing the quiz again and being generous offering the prizes. It became for me quite a classic moment on Christmas holidays.
For sure I'll give it a try.


More answers from Izotz and MrBadExample....
A few days left to enter.
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....


A little time left for anyone else to enter.....
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....


Competition closed - results shortly :)

1 Australia 1 Penny KM#56
2 Falkland Islands 1 Penny KM#2
3 Ireland 1 Penny KM#11
4 New Zealand 1 Penny KM#24
5 British Caribbean Territories - Eastern Area 1 Cent KM#2
6 Papua New Guinea 1 Toea KM#1
7 Rhodesia (Southern) 1 Penny KM#25
8 Isle of Man 1 Penny Manx Cat KM#59
9 Zambia 1 Penny KM#5
10 East Africa 1 Cent KM#35
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....


I was out of town the last 3 days and a very long weekend before.
I had maybe Wed and Thur I could have worked on it but didn't really have time.
I am very sorry I didn't get to participate this year but I had a good time doing what I was doing :-)



There is always next year Dale :)

Anyways results as follows -
The magic numbers from magic Malj1 are this year 52647183
Which means number 5 won...

But who is number 5?

Well, Chrisild allocated everyone a number as follows -
8 - Velind
3 - Spabreda
1 - Quaziright
2 - Bart
7 - Afrasi
6 - Fosseway
4 - Izotz
5 - Mrbadexample

which means first place is Mrbadexample,
second is Bart
and third is Fosseway
as always I will find a small something for everyone who entered

congratulations to everyone who entered and I wish all a very happy new year :)
always willing to trade modern UK coins for modern coins from elsewhere....


Congratulations to the winners - in fact, to all participants. :)  And a big Thank You to the creator and sponsor of this competition!
