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Egyptian tokens Suez canal

Started by Figleaf, January 11, 2009, 03:07:20 AM

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These coins are not for the faint of heart, but they are now for sale at CGB. They say the 5 franc is the rarest of the series (odd that there is no 20 centimes). You may never see the complete series again...

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.

BC Numismatics

These are not listed in Krause,but they are very historic though.



I have figured out why there's no 20 centimes. These tokens are dated 1892. The last 20 centimes of France were struck in 1869. At 16 mm., they were small and considered impractical. The solution came only in 1903 with a copper-nickel 25 centimes piece. The administrators De Lesseps brought to Egypt acted like Robinson Crusoe, trying to recreate their homeland in Egypt and never mind that they were in another country. If there was no 20 centimes in France, you didn't need a 20 centimes in Egypt, even though the tokens were of a totally different size and metal than the French coins.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


Quote from: BC Numismatics on January 11, 2009, 08:03:31 AM
These are not listed in Krause,but they are very historic though.


In my ANA centennial edition (1991) they are listed. KM #9-12, but 0,5 ct and 5 Fr are missing.

The half-centime-piece is often described as a 5-centime-piece. I wonder why? The denomination looks clear to me ...



CGB and I both took it for a 5 centimes. At the time, there was no half centime in France, but there was a 5 centimes.  It would be really odd to have a half centime, but not the 1 and the 2. Yet, as ou say, the denomination seems clear. Or does it? I am not sure, but I think I see a decimal point, not a comma as you would expect from a Frenchman.

I'll ask CGB.

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


I will check it next week. The 5-francs-piece seems really to be the scarcest. I miss it, too. :-(


CGB's reaction:

Nous pensons effectivement que la mention sur la pièce est une erreur du fabricant mais j'admets que c'est l'une des erreurs les plus bizarres que j'ai vue de l'histoire de la numismatique. En règle générale, on peut avoir des fautés de tout, sauf sur la valeur faciale :-))))
Je vais faire une notule dans le Bulletin Numismatique.

Indeed, we think that the text on the piece is a mistake of the maker, but I admit that this is one of the most bizar mistakes that I have see in the history of numismatics. As a rule, errors are made with anything, except the face value. I'll make a note on this in the "Bulletin Numismatique" (This is CGB's newsletter; if you read French you shouldn't miss it).

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


Hello Peter!

I have checked it. It is a comma and no decimal point. But I cannot show the coin (50 kb), because "the upload folder is full". Don't know, what it means ...

Computerhating, Afrasi ;-)


Quote from: Afrasi on February 10, 2009, 12:51:12 AM
But I cannot show the coin (50 kb), because "the upload folder is full". Don't know, what it means ...

It means that, errm, none of us can currently upload any attachments. ;)  Peter mentioned that in the Gone for a few days topic: "Administrator is warned about the picture folder problem.",187.0.html

Sorry about that. For the time being, you could upload the photo to some image hosting site, and then post the link here. Or just wait a little ...



I will wait a little!

I have more time than technical ambitions ... ;-)


next try ... :


Aaah, attachments work again. :) And yes, quite obviously a half centime. Now that you brought it up, I searched and ... CGB actually says so elsewhere:



The article was posted on page 5 of this Bulletin.

In the article, Michel Prieur is wondering if there are any other coins or tokens with a wrong denomination. I can think of one instance that comes close: some duit pieces of te Netherlands East Indies with the unexplained denomination 5-1/16...

An unidentified coin is a piece of metal. An identified coin is a piece of history.


There are four values listed on eBay at present including "Rare Egypt Suez 5 Cent 1892" priced at US $499.99 buy it now. The others are the 50 Ct, 1Fr and 2Fr at similar prices.
Have a look at  my tokens and my banknotes.



Good to know I have these already. :D